Peri-operative Nurses Wellbeing Survey

Peri-operative Nurses Wellbeing in Relation to Staff Involved in a Critical Incident.

Researcher: Cora Brennan. Contact:

Place of employment: Theatre Department Midland Regional Hospital Mullingar.

Survey aimed at peri-operative nurses.

Thank you for considering participating in this research project. The purpose of this document is to explain to you what the work is about and what your participation would involve, so as to enable you to make an informed choice.

“The purpose of this dissertation is towards a positive wellbeing environment in the peri-operative setting. Introducing the Work Positive Initiative from the State Claims Agency as a tool to collect data in relation to employee stressors.  “Work Positive” an initiative from the State Claims Agency and endorsed by The Health & Safety Authority and Employee Well-being Ltd. This is a tailor made psychosocial risk assessment framework for critical incidents in the workplace. The aim of the dissertation is to risk assess the current state of wellbeing nationally by collecting data gathered from a confidential survey developed with similar questions to that of Work Positive CI. The onus on preparing frontline staff for a Work Positive- Critical Incident, General Workplace Stress and Critical Incidence Stress using the Work Positive tool. 

Should you choose to participate, you will be asked to complete a questionnaire, which will include items on wellbeing, staff engagement and critical incidents. The study is aimed at peri-operative nurses only.

Participation in this study is completely voluntary. There is no obligation to participate, and should you choose to do so you can refuse to answer specific questions or decide to withdraw from the study. All information you provide will be kept anonymous.

You maintain the right to withdraw from the study at any stage up to the point of data submission.  At this point your data will be collated with that of other participants and can no longer be retracted.

After collection, your data will be anonymised and any hard copies of the questionnaire will be destroyed. The anonymous data will be stored on the University College Cork OneDrive system and subsequently on the UCC server. The data will be securely stored for 10 years and then destroyed.

The information you provide will be contributing to the case study/dissertation element of a MSc in Leadership in Healthcare.

We do not anticipate any negative outcomes from participating in this study. This study has obtained ethical approval from the IMI Social Research Ethics Committee.
If you have any queries about this research, you can contact me at

If you take part in this study you are agreeing to consent.

If you have been affected by topics mentioned in this survey, please contact supports at:

Employee Assistance Programme (EAP) - a free and confidential service to support you in relation to Critical Incident Stress Management. Callsave: 1850 420 420. Contact details for EAP providers in your local area can be found on this page or The HSE Psychosocial Response Group


